Friday, September 17, 2010

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

This is my second post on these blog, Hope you like the first one. Many people raise finger on the first post, that what is SEO. So I thought that let me introduce you to SEO. In this blog I have explained, What is SEO & What is search engine algorithm.

This blog outlines my key recommendations for designing a website with organic search engine optimization (SEO) in mind. SEO is deeply in interlinked with how sites are structured, marked up, and how copy is presented and used. However, we realize that appealing to search engine algorithms is only part of the marketing mix and we try to emphasize throughout this blog. Focus should not only be the limitations that SEO imposes but also the freedom of design choice that exist within those limitations.

SEO is particular way of looking at website design, but not one incompatible with more traditional methods. In fact, a good user experience is the key too many tenets of SEO centered design too. You will find that you will probably need to only compromise your design ideas very little to fully integrate SEO into your design, usually only the way you may go about implementing them may need to be modified. Because it is almost impossible to redevelop sites to keep up with minor algorithm changes (even major elements of search engine algorithms change on a daily basis.), as much as possible we attempt to emphasize key underlying themes that will maximize SEO over the long term. Because search engine algorithms are constantly evolving (and the engines that use them change in importance) these guidelines may vary considerably from those you have been issued in the past and will be subject to change in the future.

I m constantly monitors major search engines for changes in algorithms and has developed a number of techniques and tools for detecting, identifying and characterizing algorithm changes in market beating time.

Now you might clear about SEO and Search engine algorithm. In next post we will discussion about title tag, meta tag and meta tag description.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

SEO Build Summary

A strong SEO tactic is to align inbound anchor text with title tag and h1
tag for a page. If pages use “A Target Keyphrase” in the anchor text to a
given page, that page includes “A Target Keyphrase” in its title tag and "h1" Tag repeats “A Target Keyphrase” in anthen we are a good way
towards optimising the given page for “A Target Keyphrase”. Our target
page would also require “A Target Keyphrase” text content.

URL Issues
  • URLs should appear to be static - free of query string information.

  • Simple query strings are better than complex query strings.
  • URLs should remain constant. Changing the content of a page should not result in a change of URL.
  • URLs should contain keywords:

  • Tracking URLs should not be used (ie, hyperlinks should not contain information about where else the user has come from on the site or who they area.)
  • Pages should only be available via one URL. Search engines punish duplicate content.
  • Session based URLs should be avoided at all costs.